Nothing beats the feeling of saving a dime whenever you go out. It’s great being thrifty, but sometimes it can be hard to cheapen ourselves when we go out grocery shopping. Seeing aisles of colorful and inviting foodstuff can be very tempting.
But grocery shopping shouldn’t be a time to break the bank. If you find yourself hoarding a little too much while at the store, these ten tips on how to save money on groceries might help you out. Here are ways to help save you money while you’re out buying.
1 Check On Your House’s Inventory
Before you even think of stepping foot in a grocery store, you should first look at your house’s inventory. Take note of what you are missing and what you still have. It can get frustrating to either accidentally forgetting to buy something or buying too much of another thing.
2 Make A List of What You Need to Buy
It’s impossible to recall everything you need and not need without a list. Make a list of what you need to buy to avoid overstepping your budget and inventory.
3 Plan A Weekly Menu
Making a menu for the whole week will not only cut thinking time on what to eat, but it will also give you an image of what food and ingredients you need to buy. Make a plan of what you want to eat to avoid buying foodstuff that you don’t need.
4 Generic Might Be Better
Branded products have colorful labels and eye-catching commercials, but are they really worth it? Sometimes, it’s better to go with a generic brand to cut costs. Sure, some lesser-known brands may not be as good as branded stuff, but a popular brand does not equal a quality product. Most of the time, you won’t even notice the difference between the taste of generic versus branded. So if you are not food sensitive and you want to save some bucks, get generic.
5 Look At the Lower Shelves than Usual
Some stores have sneaky ways of, well, sneaking branded products. Most of the higher-priced stuff is on eye level, making them more visible to buyers. If you want to buy generic or cheaper brands, look at the bottom shelves.
6 Don’t Trust Those ‘Sales!’ Signs
It might be very tempting when you see those giant ‘50% off’ or ‘BUY 1, TAKE 1’ signs, but don’t ever fall for those. Most of the time, these kinds of promos can get very shady. Stores do this to either get rid of extra inventory or to push consumers to buy more stuff.
7 Avoid Products That Are Close To Their Expiry Date
Try to avoid products that are close to expiring. These products are usually on sale and are heavily promoted. But what’s hard about buying products that are so close to expiring is that you’ll be forced to either consume things in bulk or see them go to waste. So make sure to always read the expiry label.
8 Take your Time To Read Prices and Labels
Speaking of which, be very careful at looking for prices and labels. If you are unsure of a product’s price, have it scanned at the cash register or in price checkers scattered throughout the store. And make sure that you are reading labels so you won’t make the mistake of buying something wastefully.
9 Buy in Bulk When Necessary
Certain products are best bought in bulk. Consider bulk buying if you have enough space in your pantry and if you know you use these products frequently. Not only does it save you money to buy bigger, but it can also save you gas from going back and forth to the store.
10 And Finally, Don’t Throw Those Coupons Just Yet
Don’t discard those coupons from the mail just yet. You might get to find something interesting when you pick up coupons. They can give useful discounts and deals that can help save a few bucks such as the shopback promo codes. Collect important coupons that you know will apply to you and use them when you’re about to do a purchase.
Grocery shopping shouldn’t be something that pokes a hole in your wallet. Proper planning and responsible shopping are strategies you can do to save money while picking up groceries. Pretty soon, you’ll be saving up for something great in the future with all those extra changes you get from the grocery store.